
I'm all makin' all these mood boards

I love Polyvore. Lately I've been trying to put together some mood boards for the basement to help me plan my purchasing of furniture and accents. I'm going to wait until the basement is a little more finished before actually buying anything large, but I like to have a plan.

So here's what I'm thinking the family room will end up like:
{HERE's the picture on my Polyvore account, which sources all the items.}

 I don't plan on using the exact items I put in the mood board, most are just there to give me a general idea. I'd rather have a couch that was a little lighter and curtains that aren't so floral-y. I do love that floor lamp, though. And that end table and ottoman.
{Polyvore link HERE.}
When I was asking Mim about what she wanted for her new big girl room downstairs, she kept saying pink and rainbow (which are her current favorite colors) and I thought, why not? Why not let her decide on that stuff for herself? The walls (which I finished painting last night) are a very pale pink and I've already bought those curtains from Urban Outfitters. They're super bright and happy and just seem perfect for Mim. 

{Polyvore link HERE.}
This one is probably the farthest away from being a reality. It's my plan for the room that the girls share right now. Once Eleanor's in there alone I hope I'll be able to get it painted and get some of these things going. I have some floral vintage sheets that I've collected and I want to make some quilts and accessories for her room from them. I already have the curtains and that little elephant bank. I want to DIY that lovely little side table. Also, as a bonus, if we have a boy next (I'm not pregnant, but we do plan on having more kids) we can keep the wall color the same, remove the florals, and add navy blue. Right?!

Anyway, I love mood boards right now. I'm working on one right now for our master bedroom and who knows if that will even happen.

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