Dream Home
Blog Revival
Well, I'm back to it. I won't lie, the biggest reason is because I want to have a place I can pin my own images from. I don't t...
Flea market finds
So, I mentioned that the Fleaology flea market was coming up HERE and I'm back to report a successful trip. My sister in law came with...
My first quilt
This is kind of embarrassing. Remember my first quilt? My only quilt thus far? It's this one . Be sure to check the date on that post. ...
Giant script name
I had a clean slate after I finished painting Eleanor's room. It was great. I had taken down everything and I planned on nothing going...
Eleanor's room- in progress. Plus, my favorite flea market!
It's been awhile. We've been busy over here, with summer playing and family coming into town and working on the yard- good stuff. A...
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