
Even cheaper than the dollar store

We all know that the only thing cheaper than the dollar store is free.  I've seen a bunch of crafts out there using dollar store leaves on garlands and wreaths, which is cool- I mean, they'll last forever.  But the thing is, I can get real leaves for free, just by going for a walk around the neighborhood.  I took some of the leaves I used in this post and stuck them to a grapevine wreath.  Like so:
It's not a new idea, by any means, but it's still lovely. 
It's kind of turning out that my "thing" on this blog is to use natural materials.  I was thinking about this post and this post and this post.  Maybe it's just a fall thing.  Or maybe my decorating style is "make it look like outside if you can."  I don't think that's a thing.  Whatever.  I guess I just love leaves.  Especially free ones.


  1. Beautiful! Time for me to take a walk, I'm thinking.

  2. Oh man! I think I found my new blog love!! I'm scrolling back through old posts right now. Our styles are SOO similar! You should check out the curtains I just made this morning (and already posted on the blog) where I used branches instead of rods. hehe Love!

    ps - I promise I'm not a stalker. :)
