This is only my second pregnancy, but looks like I'm not going to be much luckier with this one than I was with the first- I get hit HARD with morning sickness.
So that's why nothing much has been happening here. I haven't been down to my sewing machine in the basement for about 2 months now. I have done a few things with my brand new lovely Silhouette, but nothing too big.
Hello, new followers! I was so surprised the other day when I saw that I had made some new friends. I thought pretty much everybody would have abandoned me by now.
So for Valentine's I did one of the most awesome/worst things ever for decorating. My husband even commented on how much he liked it, and he never notices anything home decor related (which I'm totally cool with, by the way).
Yeah, I decorated with candy. You can already see how it's not awesome- that hurricane on the far left had been full of peanut butter M&M's. Like the day before. And in this picture they're almost gone. Nice.
I did stuff with my Silhouette, too. My favorite was this:
Just vinyl and paper. Heck yes.
And because the awesomeness of this picture makes me laugh and because I actually do have big project plans coming up in the spring, when I might actually feel better.
These are my Paint skillz. We'll also be putting in a lawn (thank heavens, I can't wait to let my little bug play outside). As you can see, I have big yard plans that I'll probably be posting pretty often about on here. TONS of diy opportunities, that's for sure. If you have any tips for balancing a big yard with a little house that's situated in one corner of that big yard, feel free to let me know. Because really.
Also, please note the tree that I erased by using blue and white squiggly lines. It's my husband's favorite part.
Well, until next time. Maybe by then I'll have done something. Maybe.